As we break ground, we also reflect on the time gone by, recognizing God’s gracious and faithful help. It’s a reminder of Psalm 121:2 “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” That same God supply’s us with continued promises, giving us a spirit of power, love and self-discipline to propel us into a new year with Him as our source.
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
At Finding Freedom Ranch, this is our theme and goal for 2024, especially as we continue to press forward with our building plans and seek to walk along side of young women struggling with eating disorders, helping them to heal their hearts with the mind of Christ.
What a comfort this verse is! It reminds us that we are empowered with the very spirit of Jesus Christ as we set out to follow after Him. We don't have to go through life alone. God gives us power.“Power. The original word is dynamis, it’s where we get the modern word dynamic. The power Paul speaks of is not human power but supernatural. Fear tells us we are weak; God's Spirit makes us strong.”“Love. This is agape, divine love. It’s the fierce, wild love of God in and for us. Fear tells us to withdraw; God Spirit empowers us to reach out.”“Self-discipline. The word sophronismos can also be translated as “sound mind”. It’s an inner alignment with truth, a deep knowing that makes us brave. Fear tells us lies—we can’t, we’re not enough, we’re going to fail; God's Spirit assures us we will prevail.” (Holley Gerth)
“Saying these words doesn’t mean our fear will magically go away—Paul compares the life of faith to a fight, after all. But it will remind us that we, like Timothy, have everything we need to move forward in faith and finish strong.” (Holley Gerth)
We at Finding Freedom Ranch invite you to embrace this verse with us. Together we can, with God’s Spirit proceed ahead in this year with boldness. Boldness in prayer. Boldness in financial support. Boldness to walk along side those struggling with an eating disorder.
Anticipating His Greatness!
Lynda Hop