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The beginning of the Finding Freedom Ranch from an outside source…

Finding Freedom Ranch

It began with a phone call from a Dad looking for help for his daughter. That phone call ended with a prayer for direction.

The story of his daughter continued with all kinds of turns some good and some hard but the Lord never changed. I spent some time with the Mom over some months, we walked and prayed and sometimes cried. I could go on to tell details that we often want to know but really…

…the start for Finding Freedom Ranch in my heart will always be hearing about a Dad that ran for help for His daughter. A Dad who couldn’t get the vision of a home for girls who struggle with body image, yes girls with an eating disorder off his mind. Is this man something special? NO not at all, he is a man God wanted to use to help build His kingdom in a world that wants to destroy image-bearers.

Healing the heart of an eating disorder with the mind of Christ is a solid statement. It is the slogan of this ministry. It reminds us that all Christ wanted to do is bring glory to His Father with His perfect obedience something we could not do. His mind was set fully on that joy of obedience and His suffering provided all we needed, salvation.

I see the obedience that came from the love of God to His children in this ministry.

A Dad's prayer became a vision and it was joined by a grandfather’s prayer and the action was two men beginning to pray together. You wonder how to get things done? It truly is the prayer of humility, “We need your help, Lord.”

What began with a Dad and a Grandpa praying, is now a team of several people who get together monthly and pray and seek God's wisdom for the next steps. This has gone excruciatingly slow at times for each one on the team with discouragement along the way. There is much reminding of praying at each step, praising along the way and waiting on God's move rather than on man’s move to run ahead to get things done in our humanness.

We remind each other of this is the direction God gave today and the things we have in place today! Yes, this home will be built in His time through faithful prayers and yes obedient workers all because of that work on the cross and God's glory to be revealed when He comes again.

All because two men began to pray!

This letter may be your invitation to act in obedience to the Spirit's prompting and we look forward with you to how God will direct your steps of response.



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Finding Freedom Ranch | PO BOX 293, Moline, MI 49335 |

Finding Freedom Ranch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID 86-3469179

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